sábado, octubre 23, 2010

Clipmarks no ofrece aplicaciòn para Google Chrome

De momento, esto me ha llevado a desempolvar a Firefox para asì poder usar la extensiòn Clipmarks desarrollada para este navegador.

Amplify’d from www.google.co.in
Level 1
I use a social site called "clipmarks".  They only have a download for IE and Firefox browsers.  The downloadable app puts an icon on your browser that allows you to use the clipmarks site.  I questioned clipmarks and they said that they would soon have one for Google browser. Does anyone know any details about when this browser app will become available through the www.clipmarks.com site.
Level 1
I've already communicated with Clipmarks, and they said there will be an app for Chrome.  Just wondering if anyone knows more about it in the Chrome community
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